If you’re someone who regularly has birds visiting your garden and you’d like to provide them with some first class accommodation, we may have just the thing. Jay from ‘Little Lodgings’ makes adorably enchanting bird houses. Each radiates with personality and style, giving off a fairy tale aura. Jay’s bird house journey started when struggling to come up with an idea for a birthday present. After a positive reception along with encouragement from family and friends, Jay continued on to create the bird houses and now has a successful business. Take a look!
Website: LittleLodgings

Creaky Lodge

Little Shepard

Creaky Witch On The Hill

Phoenix Lodge

Technicolor Dreaming

Three Witches

Wicked Witch

Mr Tumbleweed

Pandora’s Lodge

Pumpkin Lodge

Quirky Wonky


The Abandoned Alice In Wonderland
