We all know that marriage isn’t something that should be entered into lightly as it is meant to last a lifetime. However, for many differing reasons (some of which are out of people’s control), sometimes relationships end. Many people eventually move on and end up remarrying. This often ends up being the greatest decision, or the worst! Here we have a list of images where divorcees share their mixed experiences with getting remarried. Take a look!
Website: Whisper
Sometimes we put up with things we never thought we would out of fear.

A big and lavish wedding doesn’t always equate to a happy marriage!

Rushing into anything should be handled with extreme caution!

It feels horrible when you realize you’ve misjudged someone yet again.

It doesn’t sound like this person should be in a marriage at all!

We can only hope for the best!

Yay! We love a happy ending.

Keep Going To See More!
Sometimes you’ve just had enough. But, never say never!

Maybe this person just hasn’t met the right person yet! Also, being ‘good enough’ isn’t measured by marriage!

‘Respect yourself enough to pay attention’. We like this advice a lot.

Sometimes we feel and hear the warnings but make the mistake anyway.

If you aren’t 100% sure, don’t do it! Weddings can always be postponed.

Maybe this person would benefit from counselling to help them figure out what the issues are.

When things are going really badly for you it’s hard to be positive. But, just remember, a good thing could be just around the corner!
