There will be a lot of emotions for soon to be parents, but being disappointed by their baby’s gender should be one of the worst. When parents are disappointed by their baby’s gender, it will affect the whole pregnancy.
It really can’t be avoided to have a preference for the baby’s gender. Some might prefer a boy as their first born, so he can protect his future siblings. While others might be having different views. Whatever their reasons might be, being disappointed by their baby’s gender might have a bad start to future parenting. Here are expectant parents and their confessions on how they’re s disappointed by their baby’s gender.
1. Because you really can’t do anything about it.

2. What’s wrong with having a girl?

3. Having a baby boy is not that bad.

4. Having a girl as your first child might not be the outcome you’re imagining, but it will be great!

5. I mean, you could try again next time.

6. Why are expectant parents being so close-minded about having a girl?

7. Why should you be that disappointed? Having two girls won’t be a problem if you raise them right.

8. Because you should be. Consider this a blessing. Other couples even find it hard to conceive.

9. Try your luck next time.

10. This mom might have forgotten that she was once a baby girl.

11. There really is not point in being this disappointed since it’s already there.

12. Really, what’s up with having a baby girl?

13. Can expectant parents give baby girls a chance?

14. Fathers will always want a baby boy, that’s for sure.

15. First, you can dress her up. Second, you can share girly things. I can name a few.

16. Well, now, you’ll be having a girl as your first born.

17. This is an extremely awful thing to hear. The little girl does not deserve this.

18. The point is, you’re still not happy, which you should be.

19. Baby girls are cute. Baby boys are too. All babies are.

20. There’s a great soon- to- be parent mindset! You’re off to a good start.