Most parents will give you advice whether you want to hear it or not. Sometimes they are looking out for your best interests, other times not so much. Either way, it’s unlikely that every time mom or dad tries to give you some words of wisdom that what they are saying is actually helpful. However, sometimes they are spot on! Here we have a group of people sharing the best and worst parental dating advice they have been given. Take a look!
Website: Whisper
This is super shallow and terrible advice in our opinion!

Well, this does make sense because mom will know what didn’t work out.

Do you ever feel like you were born in the wrong generation?

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t always have to have experience with something to be able to offer good advice!

Excellent advice we think! We hope that this person managed to make some friends!

Hmm. We can see why this might be a red flag, but some people have good reasons for not making an introduction.

Erm, we’re sure there are plenty of girls who don’t care at all!

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Maybe it wouldn’t be awkward if mom knew the truth?

Oh no. It’s this sort of ignorance that spreads a terrible message.


That’s quite impressive to be able to name all the parts of a car!

We think being physically and/or mentally exhausting applies to both genders!

The ‘but no one said how long it would take’ part seems a little strange to us!

Always be kind to your front and backside!
