Many of us are set in our ways when it comes to our beauty regimes. However, there are so many helpful tips that you could benefit from! If you’re not opposed to change, you might find that you want to try out some of the awesome beauty tricks we have listed below. We’ve got everything from how to remedy a broken nail, how to whiten your nails and how to prevent your make up from getting damaged when traveling! Take a look and see what you think!
Try using baby oil as a replacement for shaving cream/foam. This helps avoid irritation, adds moisture and is kinder for sensitive skin.

Cleaning Straighteners And Curlers
Hair styling tools can get a bit grubby. To clean them, mix some hydrogen peroxide with some baking soda. Wipe it along the surfaces with a soft tissue then wipe dry with another piece of dry tissue.

Prevent Make Up Damage
Make up can be easily damaged when traveling. To prevent this, use cotton balls and pads like in the image below to offer cushioning.

Bring Mascara Back To Life
If your mascara has dried out, adding a few eye drops can bring them it back to life.

Foot Soak
If your feet are in need of some tender loving care, mixing 2 cups of warm water with 1 cup of mouthwash and 1 cup of vinegar creates a soak that will leave you with baby soft skin.

Hair Static
If you’re battling with hair static, a simple solution is to rub your hair from top to bottom with a dryer sheet.

If you run out of eyebrow gel or simply want to try something different, spraying a brow wand with hairspray creates the same effect and holds really well!

How To Whiten Your Nails
Sometimes your nails get a yellowish tint. To make them look fresh and vibrant, soak a cotton wool pad in lemon juice, wrap it around your nail and then cover with foil. Leave the wraps on for 10-15 minutes and be amazed at the difference!

After you have applied your lipstick, place a finger in your mouth and suck it. This will transfer any excess from your mouth to your finger. Next, use a highlighter along the outside of your lip lines to really make your lips stand out.

Washing Brushes
To wash your make up brushes, grab a plastic plate and use a glue gun to create random shapes and patterns on it. Once dried, place some shampoo and some water on the plate. Next, rub your brushes against the plate until you’re satisfied they are clean. Following this, rinse your brushes under a running tap.

If your eyeliner head has dried out, simply remove the head and turn it around as shown below.

Broken Nail Remedy
Breaking a nail can be so annoying! However, we have a quick remedy. Remove the tea leaves from a tea bag and cut off a piece that measures to your nail. Stick it down and cut off any excess. File the edge and then finally apply a base coat of nail polish.

Matte Finish Lipstick
Apply blusher to your favorite lipsticks to give them a matte finish.

Use By Dates
You will notice that plenty of products have a month indicator showing how long you can use them for. It’s important to adhere to these use by dates as things go off and bacteria builds up. Write the date you started using your product on the bottle so you’ll know exactly when to throw it away!