People often say when it comes to presents it is the thought that counts. Showing just how true this statement can be is Reddit user Steesh1. He decided to craft his girlfriend a birthday gift from scratch rather than buying one, so using his knowledge of things she loved and his creativity skills he came up with something pretty amazing. Take a look below to see what he made and how he did it!
He started off with some maple boards.

He then sanded down the boards and glued them together.

Moving on he started to sketch on his design as precise as possible.

Following that, he used a wood burning pen to define the shapes on the boards.

Can you tell what the design might be yet?

If you thought it was something to do with the moon you were correct! In fact this guy has drawn out many different lunar phases as his girlfriend loves the moon and space.

He also added zodiac symbols into each of the boards, another one of his girlfriends interests.

Getting there…

Another finishing touch was added with a dark stain to give a rustic feel.

Finally he added a hanging wire so that this beauty could be showcased!

Here is the finished product in all its glory.

So there you have it, a truly thoughtful gift. We think it's safe to say his girlfriend loved it! It just goes to show with a little bit of thought and some old fashioned graft, you can make something truly amazing!