The internet loves cats. There’s no getting away from it. We just can’t get enough of their inexplicably quirky ways. Cats are their own animals and because of this, they just seem to do whatever they want. Owning a feline can therefore be pretty stressful at times as well as rewarding. You never know what he could be getting up to when you’re back’s turned. Thankfully, these kitty owners have photographic proof of exactly what their pets get up to when they think no one’s looking. Take a look and remember to share your own funny stories with us in the comments!
It’s Supercat!

What a heartwarming Christmas event!

How did he even get himself into that position?

Someone has a cat problem!

Tiddles has seen the light.

Life goals summed up in one image.

Why are cats so weird?

Russian nesting cats!

Such a sweet kitty.

What impeccable manners.

It’s a cats’ chorus!

They’re so in love with each other…and with that awesome-looking food!

He’s getting into the festive spirit.

Channeling his inner Alice Cooper.