Whilst we understand it is down to the parents of a child to decide on a name, sometimes we wish other people could step in when things go too far! It seems there are some selfish and down right wacky parents around that feel the need to brand their children with names that will cause them stress throughout their entire lives. Here he have a list of people sharing the worst baby names they have personally heard. Some of them are utterly shocking! Take a look and see for yourself!
Website: Whisper
Like ‘cell-e-pho-ne-qua’? Why, just why?!

Enoch is actually a figure in Biblical literature.

We just can’t understand why any parent would do this.

Maybe she really loved hats!

Surprisingly, a quick Google search shows that this name is more common than a one-off!

Gohan is also a fictional character from the Dragon Ball manga series!

Well, we’ve certainly heard a lot worse and many of them are on this list!

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People seem to forget that Isis is also the goddess of marriage, wisdom and health! Although, ‘Icesula’ is odd indeed.

Whilst this is on the stranger side, we’d certainly prefer it to ‘Cellephonequa’!

Was there really a need for the ‘Beverage’ part?!

‘Now you’re just Sumbodi that I used to know’ is a line this child will hear often!

The only nicknames we can think of for this name is ‘S’ or ‘Si’.

It’s a no from us!

Surely this is not allowed?! The poor child will face ridicule throughout their entire life.
