Anyone who has been in love will know how incredible it can be. Of course, there are ups and downs, but those moments when you feel so full of love you could burst more than make up for most bad times. Thai artist Pratchaya Mahapauraya has created an adorable webcomic called “Sundae Kids” (presumably because they’re so sweet) which reminds you what it’s like to be in love, particularly in a new relationship. These drawings are enough to warm the heart of even the toughest cynic. Here are eleven illustrations about love so sweet that they’ll give you a toothache. Check them out!
This classic move…

It’s not so much the sweater but who’s been in it.

Seems perfectly normal to us!

You should always choose your significant other.

An extra few minutes isn’t going to hurt.

It’s never too early to see the one you love.

The best way to get a taste.

This could get creepy after a while!

Aww! Our hearts can’t take this much cute.

This is a much better answer.

Now that’s true love!

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