Most of us know that parenting can be exhausting, frustrating and overwhelming at times. However, most of us also know that the joys and good times far outweigh the bad. Of course, there will be people who suffer from depression whose feelings towards their family members are distorted, but, there are some parents who simply regret having children for ridiculous reasons. Here we have a list of shocking confessions from parents revealing why they hate their kids. Take a look and see what you think…
Website: Whisper
Divorce can be extremely tough on children! It can’t be easy having your child act out but the reality is they didn’t ask to have their parents separate.

We think most parents have moments like this, without the full on hatred for their kids that is!

Being patient through struggles is a huge part of parenting.

Children don’t stop you from losing weight or sorting out your hair…

Wow. This seems pretty harsh.

It can be hard with unruly children but hate is such a strong word!

Wishing your kids never existed just seems awful to us!

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They didn’t ask to be born. Why have more than one child in the first place in this situation?

It sounds like this mom could benefit from some support and counselling.

Imagine seeing your parent write something like this about you…

This just seems really unfair to us!

You can’t really expect kids to behave better if you admit that your parenting sucks…

Surely the kids should be more important? If the relationship was meant to be and stable in the first place children would not have ‘ruined’ anything. And, again, why have more than one?!

That end sentence is a very bold statement to make.
