We all know that relationships don’t always end with people living happily ever after. Most of you reading this will have gone through numerous break ups in your lifetime. Sometimes people end things over a specific reason, other times the feelings just drift away. Here we have a list of people revealing the moments they knew they were no longer in love with their partners. It’s a huge shame that a lot of these people are running away rather than being honest about things. Take a look and see for yourself…
Website: Whisper
Sometimes distance does not make the heart grow fonder.

Hopefully these two managed to salvage a friendship.

Well, it’s not going to be easy but being truthful is the right thing to do.

Using people doesn’t usually end well. We need time to heal.

The boyfriend has a right to know so that he doesn’t waste his time…

We hope the parents maintained an amicable relationship for the sake of the baby.

If you have any desires to cheat, you definitely shouldn’t be in a relationship.

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Hurting someone’s feelings is never nice, but it’s the kindest thing you can do in the long run.

Sometimes you just know it’s over.

He deserves to be with someone who is in love with him. We hope this person managed to pull off the band aid and set him free.

A big life change can be eye opening.

Well, knowing what you don’t want is a good first step to figuring things out.

Change can be the best thing for us sometimes!

Congratulations! Being free from someone’s hold is a lovely feeling.
