Christmas has come and gone yet again. For those that are feeling down about this, never fear! We don’t have to squash everything Christmas related just yet! One of best things about the festive period is how exited children get. It’s common for many kids to write letters to Santa telling him what they would like to receive… if they are on the ‘nice’ list, of course! Here we have a selection of amusing times kids nailed their letters to Santa. Take a look!
29 dollars is a rather specific number!

No school and a better life… every kid’s dream!

When you tell a group of children to write letters to Santa…

Let’s all hope that Father Christmas knows how to use the internet!

What a lovely brother. We can’t stand mean kids. We hope that Amber’s situation improved swiftly!

Yes! How annoying is it when batteries are not provided?!

We wonder if this person got their much wanted kitty?

Keep Going To See More!
We are sensing a small amount of aggression and bitterness here…

This is lovely! What a sweet child.

Yeah. Pizza is the best.

This is a perfect example of how to be open minded and respect other people’s traditions!

How you feel after watching ‘The Titanic’ for the first time…

It doesn’t matter how old you get, Mufasa dying will always be a tragedy.

Oh goodness! Not ‘conscquenses!’ Be afraid Santa, be very afraid…